What is biomass?
Biomass is fuel that is developed from organic materials, a renewable and sustainable source of energy used to produce energy (heat, electricity). Main type of biomass used in countries like Austria and Chile are wood chips, wood pellets and other residues from the forest and wood industry.

Producing energy from biomass is carbon neutral and a renewable energy source
When biomass is combusted the carbon that once was bound in the growing tree is released into the atmosphere. For this reason, bioenergy is considered carbon dioxide neutral. In addition, biomass energy is a renewable energy, especially when it is obtained as a result of a process of sustainable forestry and wood industries.
Advantages of modern and clean wood heating
Modern and clean biomass from wood heating systems have a positive impact not only for the client but also for the local economy and the community:

On top it is a local and decentralized energy as it is consumed closed to its source and avoids long transport distances as is the case in fossil fuels.
Austrian Energy Contracting: clean, renewable and sustainable biomass projects
AustrianEC uses state of the art Austrian Biomass Boiler Technologies and thereby our biomass heating projects are clean and meet emission standards even in urban Chilean areas.
The below graph shows the important reductions of emissions of biomass boilers achieved since the 1980s to the present while at the same time increasing their efficiency.

Biomass Energy – an important contribution to fight climate change
Biomass energy is an important pillar to move towards cleaner and more sustainable societies and thereby is fully in line with the energy policy of the Chilean Energy Ministry.
Austrian Biomass Technology
Austria is one of the leading countries in the world in the development of clean and efficient biomass boilers and heat plants. Many world leading biomass boiler and equipment manufacturers are based in Austria. Each year about 2000 wood chip biomass boilers and 4.000 wood pellet boilers are installed in Austria and a multiple of these are exported.