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Our company

AustrianEC (Austrian Energy Contracting SpA) is your competent partner for reliable and efficient biomass heat solutions. We combine over two decades of experience in biomass plants in Austria, one of the world leading markets in biomass technology, and local know how in the Chilean energy and biomass market. Based on this experience we are able to provide energy solutions for the Chilean Market which are efficient, reliable and ecologically as well as economically sustainable and gets you savings compared to using fossil energy sources.

Our Philosophy

To implement sustainable and clean energy solutions in an efficient way for the benefit of our clients and the community – for generations.


Our Values

  • Partnership: Because the environment concerns us all.

  • Safety: Our name stands for quality.

  • Reliability: You can rely on our competence.

  • Commitment: design made out of convincement.

  • Complying: we fulfill our commitments.

  • Independence: We are independent from equipment manufacturers, thus, when choosing the right equipment we can focus on which most matters to us – the specific needs of our clients.


Our presence in Chile

Austrian Energy Contracting SpA is a Chilean company formed by the Austrian based Aigner Energie Contracting GmbH and local partners highly experienced in the Chilean biomass heat supply and power market. AustrianEC builds upon 20 years of experience in biomass energy contracting in Europe and over 10 years in Latam (Chile and Uruguay).


Our Team in Chile

Our operations in Chile are managed by a highly qualified and experienced team, both in local and international energy markets:


Christian LinsenmeyerCommercial Manager

Masters Degree in Business Management from the Vienna University of Business and Economics, two decades of experience in the Chilean energy market.


Rupert Koeberl, Technical Manager

Design engineer, vast experience in designing, implementing and operating biomass plants in Austria, Chile and Uruguay.


The management team is supported by a Board of Directors led by:

Michael Schmidt, Director

Mechanical engineer, three decades of management experience in the energy sectors in Canada, Peru, Chile, Uruguay and Austria. Founder of Energías del Sur, Chilean company founded in 2007 to sell Austrian biomass boiler equipment and supply thermal energy to Chilean clients based on wood biomass under an Energy Contracting scheme.


Siegfried Aigner, Director

Chemical and Process engineer, CEO of Aigner Energie Contracting GmbH, Austria; two decades of experience in Biomass Energy Contracting plants in Austria, Germany and several Eastern European countries. Member of the Austrian Biomass Association and director of DECA (the Austrian Energy Contracting Association). Siegfried Aigner is quality auditor of the Austrian Biomass Project Financing Agency Komunalkredit.


Offices in Chile

Austrian Energy Contracting SpA has its headquarters in Santiago and a local office in Puerto Varas to attend its clients in the South of Chile.


Aigner Group in Austria

Aigner Energie Contracting GmbH is part of Ing. Aigner Group founded in Austria in 1947. It´s Headquarters is based in Neuhofen, Upper Austria. It employs over 100 highly qualified employees at its headquarters. Aigner Group is certified under the ISO 9001:2000 quality management system and has been awarded several prices for renewable energy projects such as the 2014 Klima Aktiv “Designer Biomass Plants” Award..


Business areas of Aigner Group, Austria:

Plant Construction and Engineering:

  • Heat, cold, climate, ventilation, sanitary, steam, compressed air.

  • Biomass plants (wood chips, pellets, straw, miscanthus)

  • Solar energy plants (thermal, photovoltaic)

  • Biogas plants

  • CHP combined heat and power

  • Heat pumps (air, sole, water)

  • Heating plants (for local heating, district heating, single objects)

  • Steam boiler

  • Chiller (compression, absorption) heat recovery systems


Sewage treatment plants

Technical equipment, Sludge dewatering, External sludge transfer stations, Fermentation gas plants, Aeration plants, Bio filter, Waste water disinfection plants.


Water engineering

Process-, bath-, drinking water purification, Municipal swimming pools, Tower tank equipment, Stainless steel piping, Batch plants for chemicals, Pumping station equipment.


Over two decades of experience in Biomass Energy Contracting

Aigner Energie Contracting GmbH has been installing and implementing solid biomass plants (pellets, wood chips, etc.) for over 20 years now. As a result, it has been involved in the successful completion of projects for clients in Austria and other European countries that have ranged from small systems to 10-MW biomass firing plants for industrial applications and municipal district heating stations.

+569 37251504

2019 por Austrian Energy Contracting

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